Best Practices / Transportation / Transportation Staff

Transportation Staff
- Best Practices
- Featured Program Metrics
- Additional Program Metrics
- Organization of Activity
- Activities’ Transition Time
- Staff Positively Guide Behavior
- Youth Relations with Adults
- Youth Relations with Peers
- Space Adequacy
- Overall Socio-Emotional Environment
- Informal Time: General Staff Performance
- Informal Time: Youth Engagement and Behavior
- Youth Feel Challenged
- Supportive Adults Present
- Helps Youth Academically
- Helps Youth Socially
- Social-Emotional Skills
- Measurement
Designating staff responsibility for transportation planning and implementation is crucial to ensuring that your transportation is value added for students and families.
Here are some strategies for delineating duties for transportations success:
- Nominate a coordinator/central contact for pre-summer planning and communication with families. Some key transportation responsibilities could include:
- Review bus routes and provide feedback to program leadership to determine if routes are practical and accessible for all families.
- Disseminate bus stop information (and, if applicable, transportation consent) to families.
- Attend first days of programming and be responsible for:
- Talking to bus monitors and program leadership about who has not attended.
- Calling families of students who are absent.
- Possessing In-depth knowledge of bus routes when calling families of absent students during first days of programming – to direct them to next day’s bus stop.
- Ensure that there are 1-2 staff persons (i.e. bus monitors) on each bus.
- Acquire materials, in advance, for bus monitor(s):
- Cell phone/bus phone
- Program shirt with ID
- Roster with each student’s name, designated bus stop location, guardian name and contact numbers (including cell), emergency contacts
- Mini first aid kit, student medications (if applicable)
- Camp songs, trivia games to keep students engaged (if necessary)