Program Reach and Dosage and Attendance

Reach: 127 programs serving 10.084 youth

Average program duration: 6.5 weeks (range 1-10 weeks)

Average rate of attendance: 85% (range 58% – 100%)



Program Practice

On average, observers and youth rated programs at or above the benchmark in 9 out of 10 areas of practice that build ACT Skills.


66% – 91% of programs hit the benchmark of quality practice, depending on which skills the practices are meant to build.


Room for improvement was identified in:

  • Achieve and Thrive practices: critical thinking, perseverance, self-regulation)
  • Opportunities for Youth Leadership & Choice


Over time, the growing BSLC has maintained strong positive trends in above-benchmark performance.



Youth Social-Emotional Skill Growth

On average, youth participants achieved statistically significant growth in all ACT skills, as rated by program staff and youth self-report


Areas of the lowest skill performance or growth:

  • Student self report: self-regulation
  • Program staff rating: perseverance, critical thinking, communication, and self-regulation


Areas of the highest skill performance or growth:

  • Student self-report: empathy
  • Program staff rating: peer relationships, adult relationships