Summer Learning Community Forum – October 22, 2015


Over 120 attendees participated in the Boston Summer Learning Community Forum on October 22, 2015. Attendees included representatives from current direct-service partner organizations, prospective partner organizations, researchers, funders, school district and city personnel, and other key stakeholders.


The citywide goal, set by Mayor Walsh and BPS Superintendent Chang, of expanding the Summer Learning Community to 100 programs serving 10,000 youth framed the agenda.


Attendees discussed lessons learned from a presentation summarizing data findings across 79 summer program sites. These 79 program sites participated in the Summer Learning Community in summer 2015: tracking student access using a central database, measuring program quality using common validated research tools, and identifying best practices to share with peers.


A panel of local and national thought leaders discussed implications for the findings and strategies for meeting the Mayoral/Superintendent goal.