How do you connect to others?
The Connect skills are Social Awareness & Relationships, Communication, and Teamwork.
These skills help young people make contributions to their community, and develop healthy, supportive relationships with peers and adults, including those from diverse backgrounds and cultures. When young people Connect, they work constructively and cooperatively with others, empathizing with and taking the perspective of peers, advocating for their views respectfully, understanding social and ethical norms for behavior, and sharing ideas clearly and compellingly.
Not only are Connect skills useful for a young person’s ability to interact with others, but these skills have also been shown to influence academic success and engagement in the classroom (Pierce et al., 2010; Caprara et al., 2000; Furrer & Skinner 2003). Teamwork and communication are considered two of the most important skills by employers (American Management Association, 2012). Relationship-building is an important aspect of achievement in school for all ages (Birch & Ladd, 1997; Arbreton et al., 2009).